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White Soil 8 - Monthly Forecast: April 2019

Vojko J Kalan

9 KI White Soil 8

Monthly Forecast: April 2019


At reach of your Fingertips




You have all you need


At the reach of your fingertips


Be here. Now!




April is a continuation of the energy of the previous month. Only that now your energy is more gentle and at the same time even more penetrating on a very soft and gentle way. To achieve great goals, you do not need elephant power, since this monthly 9 KI energy Dark Green Tree 4 pushes forward in a gentle and unstoppable manner like spring does in nature. Similarly, as spring always penetrates through the coldest winter - your plans are able to penetrate to the surface. So do not look elsewhere and far away. Everything, all you need is within your reach!


It is only important, therefore, that in addition to your life plans, you also pay attention to matters, things, situations that are highlighted this year by life events. No matter if they were previously in your consciousness or not. This is especially true for all that concerns your energy and, hence, your well-being, your relationships with the loved ones, and hence your life's success. Remember that some of your ideas three years ago are already being implemented this year. And at the same time, be aware that you started the time when you are preparing for real life only in February last year!




"Give every day the chance to be the most beautiful day of your life."


- Mark Twain

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